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Intergenerational mobility in Europe: evidence from the ECHP
In this paper I provide a new evidence on cross-country comparison of intergenerational mobility using the European Community Household Panel. Although this data-set produces estimation that suffer of many potential biases, such as life cycle bias due to the young age of children, if the distortions are similar across countries, then the results can be useful and produce a better understanding of the forces that shape different societies. Comparing 12 European countries, I find that Mediterranean countries together with Portugal and Ireland are more immobile both in earnings and education. I found no relation between the income elasticity and earnings returns to human capital of a country, but I find that public expenditure in tertiary education is negatively related to income elasticity and there seems to be a positive relationship between income elasticity and the strictness of the employment protection law. Educational mobility seems to be affected by the performance of the education system.
Comi, Simona (2003 May) 'Intergenerational mobility in Europe: evidence from the ECHP', EPUNet-2003 Conference: the conference of the European Panel Users Network: 3-5 July 2003, Colchester,
Simona Comi
Countries included
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom
ECHP Waves
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
Institutions Involved
Uni. degli Studi di Milano
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