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Work-rich and work-poor couples: polarisation in 14 countries in Europe
Recent research suggests that worklessness at the household level is on the increase. This paper shifts the focus onto couples, focusing on the polarisation of work: that is, the extent to which jobs are concentrated among certain 'work-rich' two-earner couples, at the expense of other 'work-poor' couples who have no job between them. The extent of polarisation in 14 EU countries is examined, and large differences between countries uncovered, with a high degree of polarisation in the UK and Ireland, the Scandinavian countries and Belgium - and a much lower degree of polarisation in the Mediterranean countries. Various explanations for these variations are discussed, including common characteristics between partners, and regional variations in employment levels. When these factors are taken into account, the observed degree of polarisation decreases markedly in a number of countries where polarisation is already low, but tends to remain high in countries where it was originally high.
Iacovou, Maria (2003 Apr.) 'Work-rich and work-poor couples: polarisation in 14 countries in Europe', EPAG WORKING PAPERS, 45. Colchester: University of Essex.
Maria Iacovou
Countries included
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
ECHP Waves
Institutions Involved
Institute for Social and Economic Research, Essex
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