June 24, 2004, 19.00 – 21.00 : MoMA – Guided Tours

With more than 200 major works, the most famous art collection in the world from the Museum of Modern Art, New York is set to make a guest appearance for seven months at Mies van der Rohe's Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, which will be its only port of call in Europe.
We are happy to announce that we were successful in securing places for guided tours through the MoMA exhibition. This offer is exclusive to conference participants. Our tours will be in English or German language, and they will start on June 24, from 19.00 hrs at the National Gallery. The admission fee (including guided tour) will be about 14,00 Euro/person, payable on registration at the conference site. Places are on a first come first serve basis
If you are interested in joining please tick the according box on the general registration form for the SOEP2004 conference.
For further information on the MoMA exhibition, please see:
June 25, 2004, 19.00: Joint Reception at Harnack-House
In the evening of the second day of the conference, we kindly invite all participants to join the reception in the "Winter Garden" of the Harnack-Haus. |