EPUNet Conference 2006

Papers and abstracts from Presentations

Namkee Ahn with Juan Ramón García,  Juan Francisco Jimeno
Cross-country Differences in Well-being Consequences of Unemployment in Europe
abstract paper presentation
Eirini Andriopoulou
The Mobility Into and Out of Poverty in 14 European Countries
abstract paper ppt pps
Elena Bárcena Martín with Antonio Fernández Morales and Guillermina Martín Reyes
Escaping Poverty: Are There Any Differences by Household Type?
abstract paper presentation
Andreas Behr with Ulrich Pötter
Downward Wage Rigidity in Europe: A New Flexible Parametric Approach and Empirical Results
abstract paper presentation
Christian Brzinsky-Fay
Transition Patterns of School Leavers in Europe. a Comparison of Early Careers Using Optimal Matching
abstract paper presentation
Yekaterina Chzhen
Occupational Gender Segregation and Discrimination in Western Europe
abstract paper presentation
Torben Dall Schmidt with Peder Pedersen
Happiness in Europe: Cross-country Differences in the Determinants of Subjective Well-being
abstract paper presentation
Maike van Damme
The Labour Supply of Separated Women: The Impact of Economic, Cultural and Institutional Factors
abstract paper presentation
Maria Davia with Maria Iacovou, Stefano Mazzuco, and Arnstein Aassve
Leaving Home and Poverty Among Youth: A Cross European Analysis
abstract paper presentation
Gosta Esping Andersen
Families, Government and the Distribution of Skills 
Francesco Figari
Cross-national differences in determinants of multiple deprivation in Europe
abstract paper presentation
Alessio Fusco
On the Overlap of Multidimensional and Income Poverty
abstract paper presentation
Libertad González
The Effect of Benefits on Single Motherhood in Europe
abstract paper presentation
Juho Härkönen
Children and Coupled Joblessness in Europe: Labour Supply, Fertility, and Welfare Regimes
abstract paper presentation
Cristina Hernández Quevedo with Andrew M. Jones, and Nigel Rice 
The Impact of Socio-economic Status on Health Limitations Across Europe: a Longitudinal Analysis Using the European Community Household Panel Dataset
abstract paper presentation
Azhar Hussain with Olli Kangas
Welfare State Institutions, Labour Markets and Poverty - A Comparative Study of EU Countries and the United States 1994-1999
abstract paper presentation
Maria Iacovou with Maria Davia
Who Supports Whom: Co-residence Between Young Adults and their Parents
abstract paper presentation
Olaf Jürgens
Inequality, the Welfare State -- and What the People Think
abstract paper presentation
Lutz C. Kaiser
Gender-Job Satisfaction Differences across Europe - An Indicator for Labor Market Modernization
abstract paper presentation
Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha
Job Related Satisfaction in Poland and Old EU Countries.Cross-national Comparison
abstract paper presentation
Emma García with Sergi Jiménez-Martín,  José M. Labeagac and Maite Martinez-Granado
Retirement Decisions Across Different European Countries
abstract paper presentation
Henning Lohmann
Working Poor in Western Europe: What is the Influence of the Welfare State and Labour Market Institutions?
abstract paper presentation
Letizia Mencarini with Arnstein Aassve, Gianni Betti and Stefano Mazzuco
Marital Disruption and Economic Wellbeing: a Comparative Analysis
abstract paper presentation
Mattia Makovec
Poverty Entry and Exit During Old Age: Comparative Evidence from the European Community Household Panel
abstract paper presentation
Maria Navarro with José Alberto Molina and Ian Walker
Mums and their Sons; Dads and their Daughters: Panel Data Evidence of Interdependent Marginal Utilities across 14 EU Countries
abstract paper presentation
Laia Pineda with Laura Puerto
The Catalan Panel (PaD) and Policy Evaluation
abstract paper presentation
Ulrich Pötter with Andreas Behr
What determines wage differentials across the EU?
abstract paper presentation
Chiara Pronzato
Employment Decisions of European Women After Childbirth
abstract paper presentation
Veli-Matti Ritakallio with Katja Forssén
First Births: A Comparative Study of the Patterns of Transition to Parenthood in Europe
abstract paper presentation
Mercedes Sastre with Luis Ayala, and Carolina Navarro
Cross-Country Income Mobility Comparisons Under Panel Attrition: The Relevance of Weighting Schemes
abstract paper presentation
Antonio Schizzerotto with Mario Lucchini
Unemployment Risks in Four European Countries
abstract paper presentation
Christian Schmitt
Fertility Effects of Aggregate Unemployment
abstract paper presentation
Konstantinos Tatsiramos
The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment Duration and Subsequent Employment Stability
abstract paper presentation
Wojciech Tomaszewski
Multidimensional Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe – Evidence from Eight Waves of the European Community Household Panel
abstract paper presentation
Panos Tsakloglou
Social Exclusion, Poverty and Cash Social Transfer in the European Union in a Longitudinal Perspective
abstract paper presentation
Dorothy Watson and Bertrand Maître
Poverty, Deprivation and Social Class in the EU
abstract paper presentation
Christopher T. Whelan and Bertrand Maître
Measuring Material Deprivation with EU-SILC: Lessons from the Irish Survey
abstract paper presentation

Abstracts and Papers from Poster Session

Victoria Ateca-Amestoy
On the Nature of Leisure Time: Evidence from the ECHP’s Satisfaction with Leisure Time Measure
abstract paper
Lucille Bodson
The Determinants of Poverty in Household with Children (ECHP, 1997-2001)
abstract paper